Tips On…Kidney Infections

Pyelonephritis is a bacterial infection of the kidneys that affects both sexes, but is more common in women of all ages. A kidney infection in a male of any age may indicate a serious underlying problem such as tumor or prostate disorder. The kidneys filter waste material from the blood and make urine.

Signs and Symptoms
Fever and shaking chills
Burning sensation with urination
Frequent urge to urinate
Cloudy or bloody urine
Aching in one or both sides of the back
Abdominal pain
Marked fatigue.

Preventive Measures
There are no specific preventive measures for males; however, females should:
• Wipe from front to back after bowel movements
• Avoid prolonged moisture around the urethra, such as that caused by nylon underpants or wet swim suits
• Avoid sexual positions that irritate or hurt the urethra or bladder
• Urinate within 15 minutes after intercourse
• Urinate when you have the urge.
• Rest in bed until any fever and discomfort subside
• Do not resume sexual relations until fever or urinary symptoms have cleared.

Consider Notifying Your Physician If:
• Symptoms do not start to go away within a few days (48 hours) of beginning antibiotic treatment
• Symptoms return after you have finished taking all of your medicine
• New, unexplained symptoms develop.

source : Sisters of Mercy Health System