By Jennifer Nelson, M.S., R.D. and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D.
"You are a dietitian; it is easy for you to eat right."
A common assumption and comment I've received more than once. Really, I don't mind as it is an invitation to remind my friends, colleagues, and acquaintances that I am human — not free from temptations of rich and delicious desserts, sweet treats, and any of the other sugar, salt, or fat laden foods that dominate our food supply.
So how do we make a healthy diet part of our lifestyle, and not feel guilty about the occasional treat? Start with the grocery list:
* At the top of the list write down fruit and veggies. Buy those that will be your staples to grab and go. Then add those that you will put on the table or include in a recipe.
* Keep healthy foods in your refrigerator and cupboards: whole grain bread/cereals/starches, lean meat(s)/fish/vegetarian protein source such as beans, low fat yogurt, low fat milk, etc. These are your breakfast and quick meal or snack foods.
* Think of a few meals for the week — check out a Web site such as ours or others for recipe ideas. Add ingredients to the shopping list.
And importantly, keep a balance — I exercise regularly, not only for general well being but as a balance to my love for food. No guilt when I enjoy a sweet treat!
Please share your shopping tips with the rest of our community.
Wishing you good health,
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