Tips On…Sprains and Strains

A strain is a stretched or torn muscle. A sprain is a stretched or torn ligament. Sprains occur most often in the ankles, knees or fingers, although any joint can be sprained. Sprained joints can function, but only with pain.
Strains usually are associated with overuse injuries. Sprains usually occur due to trauma (fall, twisting injury or automobile accident). The ankle is injured most often because of its anatomical weakness, its exposed position and the stress it sustains in athletic and recreational activities. It is difficult to differentiate sprains from strains.
Caring for Sprains and Strains
• Apply ice to the injured joint during the first 24 hours. Place ice in a plastic bag and separate it from the skin with a thin towel. Hold it against the joint for up to two hours at a time, either constantly or intermittently, depending on your ability to tolerate the cold. Continue the ice treatment at two-hour intervals for 24 hours while awake.
• After 24 hours, you may switch to heat.
• To use heat either soak the joint in warm water or apply heat for 15 minutes every two hours or whenever possible. Do not apply heat during the first 24 hours. It may increase bleeding and swelling and may prolong the healing time.
• Compress with an elastic (AceÆ) bandage.
• Whenever possible, elevate the joint (especially while sleeping) so fluid can drain and decrease swelling.
Consider Notifying Your Physician If:
• You or a family member has a sprained joint that will not bear weight or move normally
• Pain becomes intolerable
• Swelling or bruising increases, despite treatment.

source :
Sisters of Mercy Health System