Tips On…Menopause

Menopause is the time in a woman's life when menstruation stops. Normally menopause occurs in women between ages 45 and 60. In the United States, menopause occurs at age 52 on average. You may have physical, emotional and mental symptoms during menopause. Symptoms may occur for a few weeks, months or years. Your symptoms may come and go, or they may occur regularly.

To help your general mental and physical well being, you should consider:
• Having a mammogram every year after age 50 
• Eating more foods that are high in calcium, such as green vegetables, nonfat (skim) milk and dairy products 
• Reducing saturated fats in your diet - check labels for product contents before you buy them 
• Exercising regularly 
• Using birth control during sexual intercourse, until your health care provider instructs you to stop, to avoid high-risk pregnancies. 

You may also choose to:
• Wear cotton sleepwear to reduce discomfort from night sweats 
• Use a vaginal lubricating cream or jelly if intercourse is painful - this problem is usually caused by a lack of estrogen and should be discussed with your health care provider 
• Talk and share feelings with a friend or family member who understands what you are experiencing 
• Join a support group for women who have been or are going through menopause. 

source : Sisters of Mercy Health System